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Towards more sustainable control of insect and mite pests


Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Complutense de Madridwithin the frame work of Campus Moncloa: Campus of International Excellence have discovered the anisoplin, a new protein produced by a pathogenic fungus of insects and mites that provides new possibilities for the design of biotechnological tools to control pests.

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Schdule of International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science

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Advances in models for early prediction of crises in chronic diseases


Researchers from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Complutense de Madrid within the framework of Campus Moncloa: Campus of International Excellence have developed a methodology early prediction of crises in chronic diseases, such as migraines.

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First direct evidence for ultra-fast responses in human amygdala to fear


An international team led by researchers from Centre for Biomedical Technology and Campus Moncloa: Campus of International Excellence shows that the amygdala in the human brain is able to detect possible threats in the visual environment at ultra-fast time scales.

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Open call MIT-Spain - CEI Moncloa Seed Fund


MIT: MIT-Spain - CEI Moncloa Seed Fund

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Composite materials: low velocity impact phenomenon


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Composite materials: low velocity impact phenomenon

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Aluminum alloys reinforced with nanoparticles for a sustainable transport


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Aluminum alloys reinforced with nanoparticles for a sustainable transport

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Introduction of the GuMNet project, a Guadarrama Monitoring Network


Introduction of the GuMNet project, a Guadarrama Monitoring Network

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Drone technology at the service of research on the Moncloa Campus


The Universidad Complutense de Madrid has been recently authorized by the Spanish Aviation Safety and Security Agency (AESA) as an operator of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), commonly known as drones.

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Three researchers from the Moncloa Campus among the ten best innovetors under 35 in Spain in 2015


Each year MIT Technology Review in Spain discovers 10 Innovators Under 35, the young leaders developing new technologies to solve the major global challenges of today

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Graphene in polymer nanocomposites: strategies of preparation, functioning and addition polymer


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Graphene in polymer nanocomposites: strategies of preparation, functioning and addition polymer

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Materials used in components for particle accelerators


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Materials used in components for particle accelerators

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Advanced polymer nanocomposites based on inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles: novel properties and applications


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: advanced polymer nanocomposites based on inorganic nanotubes and fullerene-like nanoparticles: novel properties and applications

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Nanoindentation of polymers


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa: Nanoindentation of polymers

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The Ministry of Education confirms the highest rating to the CIE Moncloa Campus


The Moncloa Campus has confirmed the highest rating, according to the Final Report carried out by the International Committee of the Ministry of Education in charge of the assessment of the International Campus of Excellence. The Moncloa campus, formed by the Universidad Complutense and Politécnica de Madrid, has the highest rating, A-Good Progress.

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Calf's gender can affect on meat quality


A joint study of the Universidad Politécnica and Complutense de Madrid within the Moncloa Campus through the Agri-Food and Health cluster has shown that the gender and the feeding system can affect on the meat quality and fatty acids of calves of Avileña-Negra Ibérica breed.

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Researcher Development Programme (FPI Call) at the National Centre for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC)


Fe-based heat resistant alloys for power generation system under extreme conditions

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Mass on Campus against microorganisms


Campus Moncloa and BRUKER collaborate to boost research and training in microbial identification by mass spectrometry

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Magnetic resonance can reveal the inner quality of food


Researchers of UPM have developed a tool that allows researchers to know the microstructural properties of fruit and vegetables. This tool can also improve the process of packaged food.

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The 5th Young Scientist Meeting at the National Center for Metallurgical Research of CSIC


An aggregated entity of the Moncloa Campus, CSIC through the National Center for Metallurgical Research (CENIM) and related to the Materials for the Future Cluster, are organizing the 5th Young Scientist Meeting on Wednesday 28th may at CENIM.

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GuMNet, a unique monitoring network for high mountains


The GuNNet project (Guadarrama Monitoring Network) was born within the Campus Moncloa: Campus of International Excellence as a result of the collaboration among the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, CIEMAT (Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological), AEMET (State Meteorological Agency) and the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park.

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International experts will meet at the Moncloa Campus to talk about cultural heritage management at the gpc-forun


The Heritage cluster of the Moncloa Campus is organizing an international symposium about “University Training in Cultural Heritage Management (FORUN-GPC)” that will take place in September.

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First Entomological Sessions of Wildlife Monitoring group of the Moncloa Campus


The first Entomological Sessions 2014 organized by the Wildlife Monitoring are going to take place at the Alfonso XIII Royal Botanical Gardens (Madrid) from 5th to 9th of May. These sessions aim to feed the university cultural environment of debate and scientific knowledge on insects.

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Design of conjugated polymers for photovoltaic application


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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High brightness laser diodes


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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New wheelchair adapted cave of virtual reality installed at the Moncloa Campus


The Moncloa Campus has recently acquired an advanced multimodal room of virtual reality. This room that was installed by the Ingevio Company is the first wheelchair adapted cave in the world. It is a two-sided cave (wall and floor) equipped with two Christie Mirage DS+6K-M stereoscopic projectors. The installation was funded by the Equipment & Infrastructures Call of the Moncloa Campus.

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Corneal Biomechanical Properties from Corneal deformation imaging


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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The Moncloa Campus will participate in the most important food industry event, Alimentaria 2014


The Moncloa Campus, through the Agri-Food and Health cluster, is part of the RED CEI Agroalimentarios of the Fundación Triptolemos which is participating in Alimentaria 2014. Alimentaria 2014 is an important event of food and beverage. It is benchmark whose success consists in a high specialization, innovation and a foreign relentless vocation.

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Plastic wax: Art and Science for the preservation of three-dimensional artificial models


Art and Science for the preservation of three-dimensional artificial models

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Introductory course on Geographical Information System (GIS) applied to studies of territory and city


The School of Architecture of Madrid UPM is hosting an introductory course on Geographical Information System (GIS) applied to studies of territory and city from the 17th February to the 12th March.

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Functionalization of titanium alloy surfaces


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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Coupling light into graphene plasmons through surface acoustic waves


Researchers at the CIE Moncloa Campus have proposed a novel scheme for coupling laser light into graphene plasmons with the help of electrically generated surface acoustic waves (SAWs).

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Methodology of mediation in public health


Methodology of mediation in public health. Effects on health assistance quality and the cohabitation in this context

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Open position at the group of the Building Materials group belonging to the Cluster for Materials for the Future of the Moncloa Campus


Open position at the group of the Building Materials group belonging to the Cluster for Materials for the Future of the Moncloa Campus

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CDTI: financial activities and instruments


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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Silicon thin film for photovoltaic uses


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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Are mathematics useful to prevent earthquakes and to tackle climate change?


Global warming, desertification, evolution of glaciers, pressure built up prior to an earthquake or dynamics of subsurface were some of the topics discussed at the congress: “Mathematics and Geosciences: global and local perspectives”.

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Toward the right management of results of gypsum board in Europe. The first results of the GtoG Life project.


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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Materials used in the production of an automobile body and its influence to be repaired


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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Proposals to reduce the environmental impact of construction and demolition waste


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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The Analysis role of Life Cycle on Science and Engineering of Materials


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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New biomimetic material to develop nanosensors


Researchers at the Moncloa Campus have developed a new biomimetic material capable to be modeled at nanometric scale increasing its sensitivity, selectivity and speed of chemical detections.

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The Moncloa Campus is at the forefront of human brain research


The Laboratory of Cognitive and Computational Neurosciences, a joint centre of the Universidad Complutense and Politécnica de Madrid within the framework of Moncloa Campus, was elected to study in depth the Human brain Project (HBP) by the European Commission as an emblematic project of the FET flagship programme.

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The use of thermodynamic modelling for optimization of coating deposition processes


International Seminars of Frontiers in Materials Science UPM-CIE Moncloa

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Mª Ángeles Querol, a Professor of Prehistory, is the new coordinator of the Heritage Cluster for the UCM


The Rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, José Carrillo, has recently appointed to Mª Ángeles Querol as a coordinator of the Heritage Cluster for the UCM along with her homologue at the UPM, Juan Miguel Hernández León.

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José Manuel Udías Moinelo is the new coordinator for the cluster of Global Change and New Energies to represent the UCM groups at the Moncloa Campus.


The Rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, José Carrillo, has delegated his appointment to the Professor Udías to coordinate the work carried out within the Global Change and New Energies cluster along with his counterpart, Francisco J. Elorza.

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JPI Cultural Heritage – JHEP Opens the Joint Pilot Transnational Call for Proposals: Funding of Research Projects in Cultural Heritage


The Moncloa Campus encourages research groups of the Heritage cluster to participate in the First Transnational JHEP Pilot Call for Proposals is open today 10 January 2013. Deadline for submission will be April 5, 2013.

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The Moncloa Campus has a new microscopy with outstanding features


The new microscope, acquired through the INNOCAMPUS programme of the MINECA and that has involved an investment of 1.5 M lent to the UCM, will mean the future transmission microscopy with unachievable technical specifications until now.

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Climatic variability effects on summer cropping system


Climate variability and changes in the frequency of extremes events have a direct impact on crop yield and damages. Climate anomaly projections at monthly and yearly timescale allow us to adapt a cropping system to exploit favorable conditions or reduce the effect of adverse conditions.

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The risk of maternal smoking


The smoking habit carries numerous health problems and it harms not only smokers but also people live with them. Additionally to the well known adverse health effects, a recent study conducted by researchers from the Facultad de Medicina of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid within the Agri-Food and Health cluster of the Moncloa Campus shows that maternal smoking has a negative impact on dietary quality of their children, which produces, among other effects, lower blood folate levels, and therefore a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer in adulthood.

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Crowdsourcing clicks against malaria


Crowdsourcing techniques and on-line games allow tele-diagnosis of malaria images through the Internet, shows new study presented by researchers from the Technical University of Madrid.

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José Ygnacio Pastor Caño, a professor of Materials Science, is the new UPM coordinator for the cluster Materials for the Future


José Ygnacio Pastor Caño has recently been appointed as the UPM coordinator for the cluster of Materials for the Future who replaces Jaime Gálvez by the Rector at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Carlos Conde.

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A new collaboration agreement between the Fundacion Juan Jose Lopez-Ibor and the Moncloa Campus


The Universidad Complutense and the Politecnica de Madrid have boosted training and research initiatives through the Moncloa Campus by the signature of a collaboration agreement with the Fundacion Juan Jose Lopez-Ibor

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A new electron microscope of high features at the Moncloa Campus


The Department of Materials Science at the UPM has just started up an electron microscope of new generation within the infrastructure programme of the Campus Moncloa: Campus of International Excellence.

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Cover crops, towards a sustainable agriculture


Researchers at the UPM have demonstrated that replacing the traditional fallow with cover crops can reduce nitrate pollution without increasing the salinity or reducing yield.

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The UV-absorbing net is an ally against pests


Researchers at the UPM in collaboration with the CSIC have found that a reduction in the amount of UV light in the environment can reduce the propagation and aphid population density what involves an overuse decline of pesticides.

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Researchers at the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research have visited the CIE Moncloa


José Carrillo and Carlos Conde, the rectors of the Universidad Complutense and the Politécnica de Madrid, respectively, have received a delegation from the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) whose main aim was to know the last scientific developments that are taking place within the framework of the Campus Moncloa: Campus of International Excellence

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Science under pressure: new future alternatives


For several decades now, the pressure has become important from the point of view of scientific production. Every day, there are more studies that involve novel aspects and progress related to the thermodynamic magnitude of high interest.

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The subsidence of the city area of Lorca triggered the characteristics of the earthquake in 2011


A collaborative study of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Moncloa Campus and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) showed a connection between the subsidence of the Lorca area and the characteristics of the tectonic earthquake which hit the town of Lorca on May 11, 2011.

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New technique to grow black truffles


Researchers at the The School of Forestry of the UPM within the cluster of Global Change and New Energies cluster at the Moncloa Campus have found beneficial effects of the Pseudomonas fluorescens bacterium for the colonization of the black truffles on the pine roots. These results can be promising to enhance the cultivation of truffles.

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Cannabinoid drugs for the crisis


The research group of cannabinoides at the Facultad de Medicina of the UCM within the framework of Moncloa of the Campus of the i-health cluster is researching the neuroprotective potential of the cannabinoid system, a system of intercellular communication which has emerged as an important element in several neurodegenerative diseases.

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Andrés Santos Lleo, a professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering, will be the coordinator of the i-heath cluster at the UPM


The vice-chancellor at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Carlos Conde, has recently appointed Andrés Santos Lleo as the new coordinator of i-Health cluster, replacing Mº Teresa, who was responsible for the cluster up to the present moment.

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Diet and childhood asthma: friends or enemies?


A group of researchers at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid belonging to the Moncloa Campus within the

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The CIE Moncloa Campus is to launch the International Centre for Latin-American Studies


The International Centre for Latin-American Studies (CIE-AL) is due to start its activities within the Moncloa Campus. It was set up by the Universidad Complutense and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

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A new mechanism whereby superconductivity persists in a ferromagnetic material has been discovered


A research group of the UCM belonging to the Moncloa Campus within the

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A new game challenge you to tag malaria parasites in digitized images of blood smears


On the occasion of World Malaria Day, to be celebrated on 25 April 2012, Malariaspot.org, a new web-based game where players can tag malaria parasites in digitized images of blood smears, will be launched, with the aim of testing collaborative malaria tele-diagnosis techniques. MalariaSpot constitutes the first ever crowd-sourced medical image diagnosis campaign.

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The Heritage Cluster of CIE Moncloa is encouraged to participate in the awards for research on restoration and conservation of heritage


The Spanish Construction Technology Platform in collaboration with the 8th Biennial of Heritage Restoration and Management have announced the awards for research on restoration and conservation of heritage.

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GUAIX research group has released mosaics of the Earth at Night in the International Week Against Light Pollution


The Universidad Complutense group of Extragalactic Astrophysics and Astronomical Instrumentation (GUAIX), member of the cluster of Global Change and New Energies of the Moncloa Campus has combined nocturnal images of the Earth obtained from the International Space Station (ISS) to create mosaics of the Earth at Night useful to study the light pollution in large areas. Coinciding with the International Week against Light Pollution, they have released the result of combining more than 1,000 images over Europe and The United States of America.

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The lecture ”œBrain injury and repair after stroke” led by Professor Eng H Lo at Harvard University will be held next week


On 19th April at 11:30, a lecture will take place under the title ”œBiphasic inflammatory responses in injury and repair after stroke” given by the Professor Eng H Lo at Massachusetts General Hospital of the Harvard Medical School. The event will be held at the Antonio Gallego Classroom (ground floor, between the pavilions 3 and 4) at the Medicine Faculty of the UCM.

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Genes in pines trees that can be triggered to cope with drought have been identified


Researchers at the Moncloa Campus have discovered the genes in pine trees that can cope with the increasing drought.

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GUAIX researchers will monitor the night sky brightness of Madrid during the lighting switch off planned for the Earth Hour


The Universidad Complutense group of Extragalactic Astrophysics and Astronomical Instrumentation (GUAIX), that belongs to the Global Change and New Energies cluster of the Campus of International Excellence Campus Moncloa, is ready to study the decrease of night sky brightness of Madrid during the Earth Hour

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i-Health cluster of the CIE Campus Moncloa aims the excellence in projects, publications and surveys


The cluster for Innovation in Health of the Campus Moncloa has four main areas of action which include the telemedicine and the most advance equipment in magnetic resonance.

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Beatriz Blasco Esquivias, a Professor of History of Art at the UCM, is the new coordinator of the Heritage cluster


The Rector of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, José Carrillo, has recently appointed Beatriz Blasco Esquivias as a new coordinator of the Heritage Cluster, which is an area of expertise of the Moncloa Campus.

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Agri-food and health cluster of Moncloa Campus has a great development planning


The Agri-food and Health of the Campus of International Excellence, Moncloa Campus strengthens collaboration between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UCM , School of Agricultural Engineering (UPM) and the INIA .

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The groups of The Materials for the Future cluster offer three research fellowships


CIE Moncloa is working hard to promote excellence research within its research areas. This time, the groups of The Materials for the Future cluster offer three research fellowships.

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Work meeting of the Agri-food and health cluster CIE Moncloa: European initiatives 2013


On January 11th took place a work meeting of the Agri-food and Health cluster to discuss the European initiatives in 2013 in terms of research on production and health of animals, systems of plant reproduction, technologies applied to agro food and health and lastly, food safety.

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New welfare indicators during animal transport


Campus Moncloa researchers have presented new non-invasive indicators to study the pig welfare during transport what it will mean a better quality of food products.

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Successful presentation of the Agri-food and Health cluster


The successful presentation of the Agri-food and Health Cluster took place at the Technical School for Agronomics Engineering (UPM) on Thursday 15th December, the Vice-rector for Research UCM, Joaquín Plumet, and the General Coordinator UPM, M. Inés Míngez were the people responsible for the opening and the presentation of the strategies of the Campus Moncloa. They focused their speech on the strong relationship between the two Universities and the fourteen participants.

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Presentation of the Cluster Agri-food and Health


The cluster of Agri-food and Health will present the work that they have done within the strategic plan of CIE Campus Moncloa on 15th December. They will also present the Food Corridor: Soto 2020

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People are excited about the Campus of International Excellence: Campus Moncloa


On 26 November 2009 the Secretary-General of Universities granted the qualification of Campus of International Excellence (CIE) to the project CIE Campus Moncloa : The Power of Diversity.

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The Advisory Council of the Campus Moncloa Partners has been established


The responsible members for the Campus Moncloa received the agents of the partners on 7 November to formalize the establishment of the Advisory Council.

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A research reveals the highest rates of groundwater-related subsidence recorded in Europe


The research was carried out by the CIE Campus Moncloa , by researchers of CSIC and the UCM , José Fernández Torres and Pablo José González Méndez, by studying satellite radar data from European Space Agency.

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Public introduction and progress evaluation of the project CIE Campus Moncloa


The CIE Campus Moncloa will introduce the progress achieved in its international project at the Assembly Hall of Museo Reina Sofía of Madrid on October 20.

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Presentation of the calls 2012 of EU Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)


The CIE Campus Moncloa will host the conference of presentation of 2012 call for actions Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN), Industry and Academia Pathways (IAPP) and COFUND on 25 and 26 October 2011. Presentation download (spanish text)

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Successful participation in the 2011 Call for Doctoral Scholarships of CIE Campus Moncloa


The Campus Moncloa received 140 application forms to carry out the doctoral thesis in the areas of expertise of the Campus of International Excellence.

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First Meeting of Junior Doctors and predoctoral students of Moncloa Campus



On June 29 there was a productive working lunch with the beneficiaries of the International Program for Attracting Talent (PICATA) of Moncloa Campus.

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July 2024
Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports CEI Campus of International Excellence Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness
Funded project by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Sports, and the Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness within the framework of the Campus of International Excellence
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